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Advanced Spot Removal In Lightroom

Scott Davenport's picture
September 23, 2016 - 9:00pm

Never miss a dust spot again! Here are three techniques you can use in Adobe Lightroom to find all the sensor and dust spots in your photo. And two of them you may not have known about!

About the author, Scott Davenport:

I'm a San Diego based photo educator and landscape photographer and can't get enough of the ocean. I teach workshops, write books and create videos about photography. I'm also much more comfortable behind the camera than in front of it.

See more of my work at

Adobe Lightroom Classic (pre-CC)
macOS Windows
Scott Davenport

Nice one Scott!  Never knew about using the dehaze slider in that fashion.  Thanks!


Florian Cortese

Thanks Florian. I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. :-)

Excellent Scott! I knew about the spot removal tool of course but never even paid attention to the fact that there was a visual spots box to check. The other two were also great to know.


Steve Hadeen

You're welcome, Steve. I do recommend using multiple methods. Not all spots are created equal! :-)

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