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Tim Kennedy
- 5 tips
- 8 forum posts
- 28 forum responses
- Member for
- 12 years 4 months
Recent Tips
- Photo Mechanic; A Metadata and Ratings Alternative to Photos - 2015/02/16
- Really Smart Photos with onOne and Aperture - 2014/12/24
- Digital Camera RAW Update 5.03 for Aperture and iPhoto - 2014/01/17
- LightZone for Aperture 3 Users - 2013/09/28
- Catapult and Aperture 3 - 2013/08/29
Recent Forum Posts
- Capture One at CreativeLive - 2017/01/31
- Capture One at CreativeLive - 2017/01/31
- C1 Learning Hub - 2016/12/01
- Capture One 10 - 2016/12/01
- On1 RAW Preview - 2016/11/23
Recent Comments
- It looks a little different from Aperture.... - 11/05/2016
- C1 is a perfectly fine DAM with some options than... - 11/05/2016
- If you're coming from Aperture, Catalogs are... - 11/04/2016
- I don't miss ADB. I don't miss floppies.... - 06/19/2016
- I'm old school (very old school). But these... - 06/19/2016
Recent Forum Answers