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Capture One 10 #1
Tim Kennedy's picture
by Tim Kennedy
December 1, 2016 - 4:49pm

Capture One 10 has been announced.….

I don't view it as big of upgrade as 8 to 9 but those of you mho want more sharpening control might disagree with me on this. They have set it out sharpening as a three step option with “Capture” (automated), “Creative” (you control), and “Output” (specific for your use) steps. It's supposed to have better JPEG export though I haven't tested it against 9 yet. On Screen Proofing is another addition. And if you have the money to run a Tangent panel (and I don't) they've tied it into that for more hardware control in high end processing. A couple other odds and ends round out the improvements.

They claim improved performance and I haven't fully tried that out with my big libraries. I have been using it very effectively with a pre-Retina Macbook Pro with El Capitan that I've dropped max RAM and a SSD into (both easy to upgrade in that model). It feels very responsive but I also haven't run more than smaller test catalogs and sessions for the last couple months. There are some improvements in folder handling in catalogs that some will find valuable. 

A good stable upgrade that some might find critical but I wonder what might pop up if we have a 10.5 later next year. 

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