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Batch Editing with Priime on your iPhone

PhotoJoseph's picture
June 3, 2017 - 5:00pm

Priime has been a favorite photo editor for a long time, earning a spot on the front page of my iPhone! Let's see how quickly you can batch photos with it.


Priime is simplicity personified

I love the simplicity of the app. Sure other apps offer more features, but more isn't always better. With Priime, my favorite feature is that it recommends filters for your image — and honestly, it's really really rare that I don't choose one of the first three! I nearly always love the look that's been selected, and if I need to make any tweaks that's super easy to do, too.

An original photo vs the Priime “ELK“ treated version

The key of this post is how you can copy and paste your designed “look” from one image to a series of others. Whether you chose a single preset and did nothing else, or applied a dozen custom changes, all can be immediately replicated to the rest of your photos. 

A consistent series of photo styles from PriimeA consistent series of photo styles from Priime

Do you use the recommended looks?

If you're a Priime user, are you utilizing the recommended looks, or do you find that you lean towards something else? I'm curious to know if others are as impressed with the automatic selection process as I am!

If you want to learn more about Priime, they were a guest on my podcast twice last year; once for the iOS app then again for the desktop one. You can view those episodes, and any other Priime related posts, right here.

Get the macOS version here

Get the iOS version here

macOS iOS
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