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Aperture 3.2 Notes and Issues

PhotoJoseph's picture
October 18, 2011 - 9:13am

By now you’ve all seen that there was an update to Aperture to v.3.2 (what, you missed it? Check Software Update, after you’ve upgraded to Lion 10.7.2).

Reader Chris Hoch got an announcement up right away, and other readers have been commenting there—no point in me starting my own discussion! Check it out.

One big point of note is that there is a reported major issue with single Core Duo machines (i.e. not Core 2 Duo, but Core Duo). The kind of issue where Aperture doesn’t work anymore.

There are loads of discussions going on so no need to hash them again here, but if you’re on an older Mac and haven’t upgraded your Aperture yet; don’t.

Apple Aperture
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