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Workflow with Nik Software plugins #1
Philip Kurian's picture
by Philip Kurian
August 14, 2011 - 9:03am

What Workflow do you suggest when you use Aperture with Nik Software Plugins like Viveza2 and Color Effect Pro 3?

Do you recommend to to do basic exposure adjustments in Aperture before using Viveza or can we go directly to Viveza and do the global/selective adjustments there.

How does Color effects Pro3 fit into the workflow?

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
August 17, 2011 - 12:14pm

Hey Philip, sorry I haven’t gotten to this sooner… it’s been a hell of a week (and it’s only Tuesday!)

I will do a video on this, it’s a great topic. But the short of it is…

Make sure your levels are all within range from the RAW file before sending it to any plugin. Stretch or compress your levels so that you have full range in the file as it goes to the plugin.

I don’t use Color Effects that much… I use Silver Efex all the time, and I occasionally use Viveza, but that’s usually for things like making a white background perfectly white. Otherwise I tend to do all my color work in Aperture directly.

I’ll give you more than that in a video, but at least it’s a starting point for ya!

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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