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Version 1.4 adds panoramic stitching! #1
bjurasz's picture
by bjurasz
December 12, 2015 - 4:02am

I was pretty excited to see this new feature so I gave it a spin.  I had recently shot an undercarriage of a Corvette with about 7 individual shots.  Rather wide focal length and a focus distance of about 4.5 feet.  A friend with Photoshop CC could not get it to stitch and had to resort to manual merging.  I tried PhotoStitcher (for Mac) and it barfed.  Their tech support people asked for the files but could not do it.  But Affinity Photo 1.4 did so in about half a minute.  :)  And it turned out very well!  Thanks guys!

Bill Jurasz
Austin Texas

Colin's picture
by Colin
December 15, 2015 - 12:14pm

Been playing with 1.4 and it is nice , especially that dehaze capability (amongst many others). Still not too sure with the RAW processing module though - Adobe Camera Raw (LR and PS) is much slicker, but that might be down to familiarity - not sure.

That said, Affinity Photo is superb given it is still early days yet. The price is amazing and it must be seen as a viable alternative to PS now. 

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