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Reading Faces Information #1
Tim Doyle's picture
by Tim Doyle
February 8, 2012 - 10:55pm

I found a script on another website which accessed the Faces information in iPhoto. After digging through the database formats and making considerable changes, I have produced this version which allows you to view information on any number of selected photos, and/or obtain a full list of face information in your current database. This ability could be useful in any number of situations where you want to obtain the Face data. For example, I want to create a website that not only allows people to browse by photo, but also by the people in the photos.

-- Get Aperture Face Names
-- © 2012, Tim Doyle
-- Based on mr. applescript's iPhoto script, posted at

tell application "Aperture"

set the selected_items to the selection
repeat with z from 1 to the number of items in selected_items
set this_photo to item z of selected_items
set the query_results to my extract_face_record(this_photo)
if the the query_results is not false then
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to return

repeat with i from 1 to the count of the query_results
set the info_list to item i of the query_results
if i is 1 then
set the dialog_text to the info_list as rich text
set the dialog_text to the dialog_text & return & the info_list as rich text
end if
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
display dialog dialog_text
end if
end repeat
--select selected_items
end tell

-- Get and display the names of all Faces in the current Library
set the face_names to my get_all_faces()
repeat with z from 1 to the number of items in face_names
set this_face to item z of face_names
if z is 1 then
set the dialog_text to this_face
set the dialog_text to the dialog_text & return & this_face
end if
end repeat
tell application "Aperture"
display dialog dialog_text
end tell

on extract_face_record(this_photo)
set Aperture_library_path to do shell script "defaults read LibraryPath"
-- expand the '~' if it's in there
set Aperture_library_path to do shell script "echo " & Aperture_library_path
if Aperture_library_path does not end with "/" then
set Aperture_library_path to Aperture_library_path & "/"
end if

set the Faces_database_path to Aperture_library_path & "Database/apdb/faces.db"
set the Aperture_database_path to Aperture_library_path & "Database/apdb/Library.apdb"

-- Get the UUID for this photo version
set the photoID to the id of this_photo

-- Look up the UUID for the master of this version
set the masterID to my SQL_command(Aperture_database_path, "select masterUuid from RKVersion where uuid=\"" & photoID & "\";")

-- Look up the face keys for all faces in this master photo, list them from left to right
set the face_keys to every paragraph of (my SQL_command(Faces_database_path, "select faceKey from RKDetectedFace where masterUuid=\"" & masterID & "\" AND rejected=0 AND ignore=0 ORDER BY topLeftX;"))

-- create a list for each face {short name, full name, email address}
set the face_records to {}
repeat with this_key in the face_keys
set this_face_info to {}
-- get name
set the short_name to my SQL_command(Faces_database_path, "select name from RKFaceName where faceKey=\"" & this_key & "\";")
if short_name is "" then
set short_name to "unnamed"
end if

set the end of this_face_info to the short_name

-- Additional fields, if desired

-- get full name
-- set the full_name to my SQL_command(Faces_database_path, "select fullName from RKFaceName where faceKey=\"" & this_key & "\";")
-- set the end of this_face_info to the full_name

-- get email address
-- set this_email to my SQL_command(Faces_database_path, "select email from RKFaceName where faceKey=\"" & this_key & "\";")
-- set the end of this_face_info to this_email

set the end of face_records to this_face_info
end repeat

return face_records
end extract_face_record

on get_all_faces()
-- Get the names of all faces in this database
set Aperture_library_path to do shell script "defaults read LibraryPath"
-- expand the '~' if it's in there
set Aperture_library_path to do shell script "echo " & Aperture_library_path
if Aperture_library_path does not end with "/" then
set Aperture_library_path to Aperture_library_path & "/"
end if
set the Faces_database_path to Aperture_library_path & "Database/apdb/faces.db"
set the face_names to every paragraph of (my SQL_command(Faces_database_path, "select name from RKFaceName ORDER BY name;"))
end get_all_faces

on SQL_command(database_path, command_string)
return (do shell script "sqlite3 " & (quoted form of database_path) & " '" & command_string & "'")
end SQL_command

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
February 9, 2012 - 2:32am


Thanks for posting this. So what is the result? It pulls the faces data and does what with it?

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Tim Doyle's picture
by Tim Doyle
February 9, 2012 - 4:46am

Currently, the script calls the routine to grab the face data and once returned, displays that data in a dialog. However, the results of the routine could be used in other ways as well.

The example of what I am going to use this for next is to enhance the current web export to include a view of photos in a collection by individual - similar to the Faces view in Aperture.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
February 9, 2012 - 4:48am


Very cool. I’d love to see what you do with it (the “faces” view on the web). Please be sure to share the results here!

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