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PE 11 as External Editor in Aperture 3.4.4 #1
Ron Croft's picture
by Ron Croft
June 3, 2013 - 1:57am

I have set Photoshop Elements 11 as my “edit with external editor.” When I choose it from the Aperture menu in OS X10.8.3 it opens OK but the image file does not load. Any solutions?

iHarley's picture
by iHarley
June 3, 2013 - 2:48am

I don’t have PSE11, but I wonder if the issue is similar to PSE10. With PSE10 you needed to directly access the editor part of PSE. This post should help you. I had to take down the video I made with it because some copyright trolls were harassing me on YouTube. Sorry about that. Hope this helps.

Ron Croft's picture
by Ron Croft
June 3, 2013 - 6:26am


Yes!! That’s the solution. It works just the same for PE 11 as you describe it for PE 10. Thanks!


iHarley's picture
by iHarley
June 3, 2013 - 10:35am

Glad it worked Ron!


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