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Moving Albums from one project to another #1
Jan Vojtek's picture
by Jan Vojtek
May 11, 2012 - 4:17am

I'd like to ask all of you Aperture brainiacs ;) for a piece of advice on something that has been driving me nuts for years now.

I have a large Aperture referenced library. All my masters are located in a folder structure on internal HDD of my iMac while the Aperture library resides on the internal SSD.

Now, I have photos from “Trip 1” in a folder on HDD. I create a Project in Aperture and call it TRAVEL. Then I create an Album in the TRAVEL project called Trip 1. (TRAVEL->Trip 1) I import the photos from “Trip 1” folder on HDD as referenced to the Trip 1 album. All good until now.

Later on, reorganizing my Aperture structure (fill in reason of your choice:) I choose to move the Trip 1 album from Project TRAVEL to Project FUN. (TRAVEL does not have album Trip 1, FUN does). I click and drag the Album Trip 1 and drag it in Aperture form project TRAVEL to project FUN. I also relocate the masters so that the structure on the HDD reflects that of the Aperture (just how I do it).

The problem: When I go back to project TRAVEL, I still see all the photos and their processed and adjusted versions from Album Trip 1, even though I moved the Album to a different project (FUN). IF, I want to delete them, so that TRAVEL does not contain them, they get deleted also in FUN.

Is there a way to solve this? Joseph and crew, pls help! Thank you!

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
May 11, 2012 - 4:42am


Albums are nothing more than referenced collections. When you move an album from one project to another, the master file is still in the original project. So you need to move that, too.

Look at it from the structure of how Projects vs Albums work, and I think you’ll understand better.

A Project is where the masters are stored. There is one master. Think of it like your negative. (Ignore where things are in the Finder; that is irrelevant. When I say “master” here, I mean the master IN Aperture, not the “master file” in the Finder).

You can create an album in Project TRAVEL and another in project FUN and drag the same photo from a project into both of those albums. You haven’t created a new master and you haven’t created a new version. All you’ve done is told Aperture “when I click on this album, show me that photo”.

So when you move an album, all you’re really moving is a set of instructions that say “show me this file”. No matter where you move it, the actual master image is still in the original project.

Now, you CAN move photos between projects, but you have to select it in the project to do that. And you have to drag it into another project, not into an Album, to move it.

This is why I stress the organization system of having a project based on an event, then creating albums (wherever you need) that have the photos. You could have a project of SUMMER VACATION and another of WINTER VACATION then create an album, anywhere you like, titled MY VACATIONS. You add photos from both summer and winter into there, and now you have a single collection of the best vacation photos.

Does that make sense?

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Jan Vojtek's picture
by Jan Vojtek
May 11, 2012 - 5:51am

Thank you! It took several reads to get it :) but now I know what I was after. It was the moving from Project to Project that I missed. Thank you!

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