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Merge multiple Libraries #1
Rainer Leidl's picture
by Rainer Leidl
February 19, 2013 - 9:01pm


as a long time Aperture User I have some Aperture Libraries, two big main libraries and a few smaller libraries. In the user manual I read about a workflow for Workstation and MacBook, which is roughly like this:

Export a project from the workstation into a new lib, copy the lib to your Macbook, work with your lib on the MB, copy the lib back to the workstation, import the changed lib to your lib on the workstation, and Aperture merges the changes to your workstation's library.

I thought well, this could help me to consolidate my libraries: Let's say I have one big library and a few smaller ones, where a lot of projects or pictures are the same as in the big library – but the small libs also contain projects and pics not in the big library. So I just import the small library into the big one, and Aperture would merge everything and throw away duplicate projects, originals and copies.

Nice theory. After importing the duplicate projects etc. are just copied into the big library and I got everything twice.

So… is there a setting to solve this or maybe I use the wrong way of importing the libraries.



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