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Look what I found! #1
Graham Hodge's picture
by Graham Hodge
October 6, 2010 - 1:12pm

It seems that is trying to bring all my images over from iPhoto, about 6000 of them ended up in trash.
If I “consolidate master” and move it, then “put back” from trash I can recover the photo, but it goes into a folder called
iphoto Library macbook/Events/My photos - seemly by default.

Also it seems I can only “put back” one photo at a time.

1. How do I put them back into an album of my choosing?
2. How do I group a bunch of them to “put back”? (I tried shift select, still only one photo moved)


Taking Pics in Tassie

Graham Hodge's picture
by Graham Hodge
October 6, 2010 - 5:53pm

Forget what I said, I have a mess, it seems that those images still reside in iPhoto. Some were brought across to Aperture, others were not and finding out what is what is something of a nightmare.
I wish there was an easy way to just find and sort all the images in all the nooks and crannies of the hard drive and put them neatly where they belong!

Taking Pics in Tassie

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