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Inconsistencies in library #1
Ruth Lathlean's picture
by Ruth Lathlean
September 17, 2012 - 7:09pm

I've read the recent post by Heather and also FAQ but I still have this problem. I have recently got a new hard drive for my iMac and installed Mountain Lion to replace Snow Leopard that I have used for a long time. Since then, every time I open Aperture I get the inconsistencies in your library message and have to click Repair. This occurs on every opening so nothing seems to be repaired. I also had permissions repaired after I deleted the preferences but the message still occurs. BTW the preferences had the letters Ref before the word Aperture which I wondered if it implied Referenced - but I have a Managed library. Also when I looked at the Aperture Preferences after all this they don't seem to have changed from when I customised them ages ago - shouldn't the default ones now show?

What's causing this?

Ruth Lathlean

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
September 18, 2012 - 1:18am


This sounds like a drive issue, probably just permissions, and not actually Aperture.

Boot the computer holding down the option key and go into recovery mode, then run First Aid and repair permissions on your main hard drive. See if that helps Aperture.

I am however confused by the “ref” in your Aperture preferences file. The Aperture preferences are named and shouldn’t have any “ref” in the name.

-Joseph @ApertureExpert Have you signed up for the ApertureExpert mailing list?

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