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Find own posts #1
Peter Guttinger's picture
by Peter Guttinger
August 11, 2012 - 2:27am

Joseph, how can i find my own posts in any of AE forum? I would like to update one but cannot find it anymore…!


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
August 11, 2012 - 2:51am


Sadly this forum is really… um… basic. To put it mildly. I’m desperately hoping that Squarespace 6 will introduce forums that are a lot more robust.

There’s no easy way to do it. You can use the search (top left of every window) for a word you know you used, and once you start the search you can do an advanced search and limit it to the forums. Sadly you can’t search by your own name though.

If you subscribe to the forums and get email for every post, you might find it easier to search your inbox, actually.


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