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Duplicate of events in Aperture in Finder Trash #1
Roger Batt's picture
by Roger Batt
June 13, 2013 - 5:17am

I've had something very strange happen with recent 8 events I've created in iPhoto and then opened in Aperture to work on. A few days later, I noticed that one key photo seemed to be missing from one event and went looking for it. Eventually I found it within a full copy of this event in the Finder Trash as an Aperture event, together with full copies of the other 7 events - even though all these events are still present in the iPhoto library when I open this in Aperture – and I hadn’t even by accident deleted any of these events in Aperture.

I recently loaded the ApertureExpert script to convert RAW files in Aperture to pdf files, deleting the original automatically, but I haven’t used this used since I copied all these photos onto the computer – although I wondered if this could have created the problem? I particularly don't understand why there is a duplicate copy of these events in the Finder Trash while I can still see these photos in Aperture - if I empty the Trash are these all going to disappear - obviously I dont want 2 copies of all these RAW files.

Roger Batt's picture
by Roger Batt
June 13, 2013 - 9:52pm

Now realised what happened - this was most likely a failed attempt to burn these files to a disc while waiting for a new external drive - files were too big and I cancelled the transfer, in which case I believe these files had already been copied and then trashed - relief !

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