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Cropping Images in Aperture and Enlargements #1
stephen justice's picture
by stephen justice
June 14, 2012 - 2:29am

I need clarification on the correct way to crop an image for 8x12 enlargements. I mainly shoot hot rods and drag race cars. I always tweak the image in Aperture fairly tight yet leaving enough room around the perimeter of the subject (the race cars) as not to cut into it. However, when I go to the retail dealer to make enlargements, many times the image I see on the screen has been subjected to additional cropping (cutting into the race car). I always thought an 8x12 enlargement would be an exact duplicate of the image I saved in the folder or CD.–I use Nikon D700s and FX lens. Can I not crop the image in Aperture the way I want it? If not, how do I get my 8x12s to be consistent and not gutted on the sides? Thanks again friends,


stephen r justice

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
June 14, 2012 - 3:49am


The D700 produces a 4256 × 2832 file which is 3:2 ratio. An 8 × 12 print is also a 3:2 ratio, so if you don’t crop the image at all in Aperture, you should be able to fill an 8 × 12 print.

If what you’re seeing on screen is not what you’re getting in print, then I have to assume that it’s the printer that is cutting in. If I read you correctly, you are cropping in Aperture before saving the file for printing, right? So perhaps you just need to crop a little looser — it sounds like the printer you are using is cutting in on the file. This wouldn’t happen with a high end print house, but it sounds like you’re printing at a local store on a machine where you print yourself, perhaps?

If you are cropping, ensure that you are maintaining the 3:2 crop ratio, otherwise you will get cutting in the final print, for sure.

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