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copy photo info to other photo #1
Pierre Lessard's picture
by Pierre Lessard
August 8, 2012 - 8:32am

Hi all,

How can I copy photo information (Info tab) from one photo to other photos? (like caption, keyword)

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
August 8, 2012 - 8:47am


Just copy and paste like you would in any other text editor. You can do one field at a time this way, and you can use the Batch Change command to add metadata to many photos at once. If you are copying a large number of fields, use Lift and Stamp instead, but be careful of what you’re stamping, if you’re adding or overwriting data, etc.

Test with a small collection of photos before committing to a large batch to be sure you have all the settings right.

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