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Can't tether 30D into Aperture #1
monotypemaker's picture
by monotypemaker
February 27, 2013 - 7:24am

I've always been able to tether my 5D (first model) into Aperture, but ironically, the newer (2006) 30D has only ever worked with Canon's EOS utility, never Aperture. I had always thought this issue had to do with my old Aperture 2.1.4, but now I'm all updated and it still doesn't work. Aperture sees and identifies the 30D, but the top of the camera just flashes “busy,” and nothing works.
I just called Canon tech support—Though unfortunately he didn't have an Apple w Aperture, he checked tethering out, as we spoke, using EOS utilities. Since it worked fine, he said the glitch lies with Aperture.
Has anyone ever experienced this? Any solutions (besides buy another camera)? It would be so reassuring to have a backup camera in my studio should my 5D quit.


John Waugh's picture
by John Waugh
March 4, 2013 - 2:32am

Are you using an electronic shutter release cable by any chance?
I’ve seen this behavior from that situation before.
Tested a 20D, 30D, 7D, 5D mkII with no problems.

John Waugh, Photographic Images • Apple Certified Trainer• Sport Action Lifestyle Photography

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