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Aperture 4 Wishlist #1
Rob Chinn's picture
by Rob Chinn
April 1, 2011 - 3:39am

I did a search and didn't see anything related to this so I thought I'd start one up. Even though Aperture 3 isn't that old and was a great leap in features, it's never too early to let our voices be heard for what we'd like to see in the next version of Aperture.

If this has already been started somewhere, point me in the right direction. Otherwise, let's hear what you would like to see in the next version of Aperture!

Robert Sfeir's picture
by Robert Sfeir
April 1, 2011 - 3:48am

- Denoising like in Lightroom
- Lens and Aspect adjustments
- Aberration adjustments using the loupe and brush so we can adjust parts of the image when a lens has poor edge light distortions
- Better support for Watermark. Right now it works, but being able to preview and adjust for each image would be better. I’d like to have Watermark be part of the various tools you apply to an image so it becomes more part of the workflow itself, not the export step.
- More horsepower

Steve Jackson's picture
by Steve Jackson
April 1, 2011 - 8:15am

I note there is such a list here “”.

My additions are

1. The ability to nominate ‘custom text’ (as can be done in Picasa now) OR an image file for a Watermark (my post under “… refers)
2. Make a check box available in Aperture’s Export dialog that said something like “Include the exported versions in the location they were exported from” (to do just that) (my user question How to View after Export at “” refers)
3. Ability to add borders in Aperture without needing a plug-in

Robert Sfeir's picture
by Robert Sfeir
April 1, 2011 - 8:22am

In addition to borders:

Apply simulated film grain and film curves from known popular film brands for both color and black and white films.

Thomas Emmerich's picture
by Thomas Emmerich
April 1, 2011 - 11:05am

Good stuff for sure. But if you really want Apple to see it, post it here:


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