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Aperture 3 very slow when opening photos from Iphoto 11 #1
Peter Bone's picture
by Peter Bone
April 16, 2011 - 6:18pm

Hi, I am having trouble using Aperture3 cause it is always very slow. My photos are always imported via Iphoto 11 and take forever calling them up in Ap3.

Would you recommend importing them all into Ap3 instead of using Iphoto to keep them in?
Would that make the program run a lot faster?
I have 75,000 photos in the iphoto library and know it might take a while to transfer them across.
Also is there any real need to use iphoto if I am using Ap3???

Any help would be much appreciated :)

Peter, Melbourne

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
May 1, 2011 - 8:42am


I concur with what’s being said here. Trying to use both Aperture and iPhoto can lead to headaches. I’d move to Aperture — in pieces — and never look back.

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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David Edge's picture
by David Edge
April 16, 2011 - 8:32pm

Hi Peter
Not quite sure how you can leave photos in iPhoto11 and edit them in Aperture.

Once you’ve made the move to Aperture there’s little that iPhoto can do that Aperture doesn’t apart from the cute emails.

Do have a look at the manual and some of the wise words it has about doing trial imports of a few of your files before hauling the lot in. I’d also suggest bringing 75 000 in in a few blocks. Aperture does an awful lot with files when it imports them - keep an eye on what the processors are up to using Activity Monitor. After a big import (a few thousand) I leave Aperture running all night.

And don’t assume it has stalled and reboot unless you are absolutely sure it has - although Aperture 3.1 seems a lot more stable than 3.0.




Chris Hoch's picture
by Chris Hoch
April 17, 2011 - 12:56am

I have never used iPhoto as I purchased aperture at the same time as my mac, it was one of the main reasons for a mac purchase. My wife uses iPhoto as she doesn’t need the editing capabilities that Aperture presents.

However if you are finding yourself moving photos between iPhoto and Aperture I would say stick with Aperture. There is obviously a reason why you purchased Aperture and the power of Aperture sure out weighs iPhoto.

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