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Batch dust removal #1
Vivien Izzett's picture
by Vivien Izzett
December 1, 2013 - 6:43am

I have a load of photos from my old canon with some dust spots I want to remove. I keep hearing about batch dust removal and so thought I’d give it a go. I can’t seem to find any information on how to use it though. Can anyone explain what I need to do or point me in the right direction to find the information?

Cheers, Vivien

John Waugh's picture
by John Waugh
December 1, 2013 - 5:04pm



You will use the lift and stamp tool.

In full image frame (no crops), remove the dust spots on one image with the repair or clone tool.(click “X”).

Then use the lift tool on the image you repaired and stamp the adjustments to the selected images you want to repair.

It’s often easiest to not make any other adjustments to the image you are lifting from  as they may not correspond with the images you are stamping.

John Waugh, Photographic Images • Apple Certified Trainer• Sport Action Lifestyle Photography

Walter Rowe's picture
by Walter Rowe
December 3, 2013 - 4:16pm

John’s process only works if the dust spots are identical from one frame to the next. If they differ, you will have to do spot removal frame by frame.

John Waugh's picture
by John Waugh
December 5, 2013 - 5:28am

Walter makes a good point.

I was assuming that you were referring  to dust on your sensor.  Those spots (dust motes) usually remain in the same place until you perform a  direct sensor cleaning procedure. (Refer to your camera manufacturer for details and proceed very carefully), or take your camera in for a cleaning.

Thanks Walter

John Waugh, Photographic Images • Apple Certified Trainer• Sport Action Lifestyle Photography

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