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blank slide in sliding panels theme #1
Matt Bassuk's picture
by Matt Bassuk
August 9, 2011 - 10:41pm

Following up to the message convo began on the apple forum [link] and continued on twitter…

I am making a slideshow with aperture. I am having trouble creating a blank slide in the sliding panels theme. Some documentation I have read says that this is only possible in the Classic and Ken Burns themes, however, I have created blank slides in “sliding panels” before by clicking on this cogwheel [screenshot] and selecting insert blank slide.I used to do this all the time to create chapter breaks (i still have the published slideshows).

As of yesterday this option is greyed out unless i switch to classic or ken burns. When I open the projects of those published slideshows i mentioned, the 'blank slides' that used to be there are all white boxes instead of the black (blank) slides they used to be.

My question is: is there a way to insert blank slides or chapter breaks in the sliding panels theme, or was i previously benefiting from some kind of glitch that has seemingly corrected itself?

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
August 10, 2011 - 3:46am


Thanks for the additional info. I don’t use slideshows that often, so wasn’t sure what feature you were looking for.

I looked in the manual, and it doesn’t appear to say anything about which themes that can be created in. Here’s the manual page:

However, I’m seeing the same thing you are. I suppose it’s possible that this was supposed to be only available in Classic and Ken Burns, and that it was before was a bug, but that sounds odd.

Where have you seen that they were only supposed to work in those other two themes?

I’ll see what else I can dig up.

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
August 10, 2011 - 4:33am


I’ve confirmed that this feature was ever only supposed to be available for those two basic themes, however this “bug” was fixed quite some time ago. How old are the shows you’re looking at where you did have the ability to add those blank slides?

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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Matt Bassuk's picture
by Matt Bassuk
August 10, 2011 - 4:52am

One of them is only about a month old. Though to be fair, i don’t update my system that often. Is there some way to revert, or an alternative way to insert chapter breaks?

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
August 10, 2011 - 7:56am


How about you create some plain black or white or whatever color slides in Photoshop or Gimp or whatever too you have, and then use those as your section breaks? You’d only need to make one for each color you want, and you could use it over and over again.

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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