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Exporting to Smugmug status #1
Clement Singarajah's picture
by Clement Singarajah
February 4, 2012 - 3:33pm

Aperture 3.2.2 in Lion 10.7.2 no longer gives the status of an upload/export to Smugmug with either of the two plug ins I have (SmuginProforAperture and Aperture to smugmug). Instead it just shows that the plug in is active, and no longer shows for example, exporting 3 of 35 etc.
I found a posting saying that installing Growl notifications fixes this, and a link to Grown 1.3.3 on the App store, but the reviews for Growl are dismal!
I know I can open the destination gallery in smug mug and see what is happening but this does not update and it is not a real solution.
Any ideas how to make Aperture report the exact status of an export?


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
February 6, 2012 - 4:35am


I haven’t noticed this but I do have Growl installed and so just watch it there. Also I know there’s an update to SmuginProforAperture that you may want to be sure you have. I’ll ask the creator of SmuginProforAperture to chime in here if he’s available, too.

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nzsnapper's picture
by nzsnapper
February 6, 2012 - 5:34am

Hi Clement, I develop SmuginProforAperture and SmuginforAperture unfortunately the lack of progress updates is an issue with Aperture itself, I can’t remember now exactly which version broke it (I think around 3.2 though). There doesn’t seem to be anything plugins can do to force the update, the information is given to Aperture it just ignores it :-(

I am hoping that there will be an update to address the issue but it has been broken for some time now. Using Growl does at least report when each image is uploaded and when upload is complete, I quite like it but I have been using Growl for a long time now YMMV.

I hope that helps a little even if it doesn’t fix the problem.

Jim Bailey's picture
by Jim Bailey
February 7, 2012 - 7:32am

So I can still export from A 3.2.2 using Snow Leopard into Smugmug OK, it just doesnt show the export status? That’s kind of weird, but with Apple I expect unexplained weirdness every now and then : )

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
February 7, 2012 - 8:51am


I guess you deleted your original post before I got here to correct you ;-)

To summarize, exporting to SmugMug using SmuginProforAperture works perfectly fine. The only thing missing is that the status update no longer shows what image it’s on (i.e. 10 of 35), however it does still show that it’s exporting. However if you install Growl, you will get notification per image as they upload.

I use the plugin regularly. I’m on Lion, and I think it’s safe to upgrade there now… it’s just been updated to 10.7.3, and that had very, very few fixes in it, which hopefully means there isn’t that much to fix (hahaha)


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Jim Bailey's picture
by Jim Bailey
February 12, 2012 - 8:06am

Joseph, thanks for the insight. and for realizing I can correct the error of my ways ; ) JB

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