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Version name missing #1
Dirk Awouters's picture
by Dirk Awouters
January 30, 2012 - 6:48am

I got a strange issue. Some of my files are missing a version name.
I cannot recall that I ever edited this field and normally this “version-name” is the “file-name” without the file-extension.

Now when exporting a project I just found out that some files where missing. And after a search it became clear that these are exactly the photo's that do not have a version-name.

A solution is easy, just type in a version-name yourself and the export will work again.
I'm sure that there is actually a version in Aperture as I can toggle between the version and master view.
See also attached screenshot. You notice the empty version-name and also the edited icon to prove there is a version. screenshot

Now I'm searching for a method to add a smart-album to get all the photo's that do not have a version-name. But I don't seem able to select the “version-name” in any filter.

Anybody ever encountered this problem? And any tip on how to find all photo's in your library without a version-name?

I suspect that it has to do with publishing on Facebook. The album where I discovered it happens to be one of the few that I ever used in combination with FaceBook. Some photo's in the album have the version-name replaced with a sentence. And I can recall that this sentence is the name for the photo I used on FaceBook. So I'm just guessing that these empty version names are issue's that I might have deleted the filename on FaceBook (or replacing it with nothing). I do not use the FB coupling anymore in Aperture now. As I was enoyed that it was constantly synching my library with FB.

Dirk Awouters's picture
by Dirk Awouters
January 30, 2012 - 6:54am

I went searching again just after I posted. And I found it.
You have to add as rule “Aperture MetaData” and then you can set a filter on empty version-name.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
February 1, 2012 - 3:27am


Glad you solved that one :) The search capabilities in Aperture are astounding.

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