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This ATEM (mini) Tips” series of short video tutorials for your Blackmagic ATEM hardware includes tips for all users, from beginner to advanced. Scroll down to see more in the series!

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Macro Extension Tubes Explored

Photo Moment - March 17, 2017

Have you ever played with macro extension tubes? Let's see what we can do with them, both on normal and macro lenses!


PRODUCTS MENTIONED IN TODAY'S PHOTO MOMENT (MANY ARE AFFILIATE LINKS… affiliate links make me a little bit of $ but cost you nothing more!):
Fotodiox Macro Extension Tube Set for MFT: [Amazon -]
Search for Macro Extension Tubes: [B&H -] [Amazon -] [Adorama -]
Manfrotto 454 Micrometric Positioning Sliding Plate: [B&H -] [Amazon -] [Adorama -]
Manfrotto 496RC2 Compact Ball Head with RC2 Quick Release: [B&H -] [Amazon -] [Adorama -]

Sorry for the late info, but there should be a screw in that macro mount that your lens got stuck on. I used a tiny screwdriver to get it out. Wish I was here a year ago. Looked like it was the little knob that's supposed to open and close the shutter on older lenses. It was blocking me from changing my f-stop.
Can extension tubes turn a 1:1 macro lens into an ultra macro like a 4:1?

I like those macro images that zoom right into an insect’s eyes so we see the eye structure.

It can be so zoomed in that a pair of eyes can cover the whole M43, APS-C or Full Frame sensor.

Have you tried connecting a flipped fast prime to a macro lens via a step-down ring as described here... ?

I worry the extra glass may cause issues, but might be worth a try.

I suppose the flipped prime seems to act like a microscope lens by enlarging the subject.

PS: I hope your prime was saved.
Yeah that’s the idea but you will need a very good tripod and to do focus stacking
If jury duty is compulsory, citizens should be obliged to vote in elections too. Should be a condition of citizenship. 🤪
Couldn’t agree more!
I love my Vello extension rings.
you got me really scared of extension tubes! i was going to buy the wired ones
hope you manage to fix it
+Mop Krayz The problem isn't the tube; it's the Zhongyi lens. On their website they even point out that it's not compatible with all camera bodies and this extension tube must share that limitation. Used with native lenses you shouldn't have an issue. I didn't until this show!
Joseph, not lumix related, but given your expertise with snowflake macro-photography, I think you'd really enjoy this short 5min documentary filmed by a good friend of mine... His final images are made up of thousands of stacked images. By the way, lovin' the live videos, especially as we miss you on TWIP (and miss TWIP in general)!
Oh... so sorry to mix you guys up, am a bit fan of both of you. Having followed TWIP for years audio only, I've never seen Don and got mixed up there. My bad. For sure will check out your photoapps expert show. I was a fan of your aperture expert days and still haven't quite finished my transition to LR.

Anyway love your insights and analysis, passion and candid honesty when you don't know something (rare) and love the authenticity that can only be delivered through an unedited live show.

Wishing u the best success to continue producing great content. I'll test out the super-chat donation button sometime soon myself!

(PS the video is still worth checking out to see what kind of image can be produced from merging 10,000 images together each with a focal depth of 10% the width of a human hair).
+andrew clarke I'll check it out! If you want to see insane snowflake images, look up Don Komarechka. As for TWiP… my show will live on. Tune into http://PhotoApps.Expert possibly as early as today. Definitely this week though.
Hi there, can you explain gh5 in camera photo stacking please. Many thanks.
+Jim lodge Focus stacking you mean?
I suspect that this will not help, but would still like to share this small tip. As materials contract when cooled down, it may help to put your stuck lens into a freezer for a few hours to get it completely frozen and then try once again. That helps with any kind of stuck threads and may help in this case too.
+Serge Broslavsky Oh that's a fine idea, thanks!!
I like the Canon FD 50mm F3.5 macro and 100mm F4 macro. Combine that with a FD-M43 converter. Get some 25 en 50mm FD macro rings/ And you have a cheap and really solid macro setup.
You know, Zhong Yi warns that your lens is not compatible with all cameras:

I'm guessing whatever catches on the EM5 et al also is catching on your adapter. :(

Did you ever manage to get them apart?
+Quentin Smith Nope. I emailed them; we'll see what they say.
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