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Intermediate Tips

The Fabulous Aperture 3 Curves Tool

Robert Boyer's picture
January 15, 2014 - 9:00pm
I don’t talk about messing about in post much. Probably because I despise it so much. Truth is that’s one of the things I really miss from the days when we all shot film. Ubiquitous, cheap, out-sourced post processing. Well that and I’ve spent far too much time in photoshop than I would wish in two lifetimes.

Eye-Fi Labs—Be a Beta Tester

PhotoJoseph's picture
January 8, 2014 - 9:00pm
Eye-Fi, the company that makes the beloved Eye-Fi card that adds wireless capability to any camera that takes SD cards, has a new “Labs” program. Check out how to sign up and see what’s coming!

Tethered Shooting Still Rocks, but Should It Do More?

PhotoJoseph's picture
January 6, 2014 - 11:14pm
Tethered shooting is very common in a studio environment, when it’s desirable for the client to see the images as you go. I recently had a shoot go very well while tethering my Canon to Aperture 3, and am curious about other people’s experiences and desires with tethering.

Multiple Vignette Techniques in Aperture 3

PhotoJoseph's picture
December 4, 2013 - 9:00pm
The original technique, “the double vignette”, comes courtesy of Derrick Story, who wrote about it on his site, and shared with me with encouragement to expand on it. Thanks for the killer tip, Derrick! Click through to read the original tip, and the ApertureExpert expansion as well.


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