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Labor Day Sale; Photos for OS X Basic Training and a Free Preview Video

PhotoJoseph's picture
September 7, 2015 - 9:00pm

When “Photos for OS X Basic Training” was in development, it was sold at a heavily discounted price. Once it was completed, the discount went away — until now. For this weekend only, you can buy the training for the original discounted price. But move quickly! This sale ends when the the weekend does (it'll creep into Tuesday for those who won't see this until they return to work… but don't wait until the end of the day; it might be gone by then!)

If you're unsure if you'll learn untying new from this course, check out the limited-time free video below, “Adjustments; Light, Color, and Black & White”. 


Did you learn anything? Yeah? Then you should definitely pick up the rest of the course…


Apple Photos for macOS

Thanks, but I’m sticking with Aperture until it dies!

M.A.Stough Photography

I can understand and respect your point of view, but you miss the opportunity of getting to know the quite advanced features and “new-logic” of Photos, for a real bargain. The tutorials of  Joseph are really great to get an understanding of the possibilities, limitations and potential  of Photos at this point of time.

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