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ApertureExpert Live Training 114: Adjustments; Dodge & Burn, Using Brushes

PhotoJoseph's picture
September 5, 2014 - 9:00pm

We really got into brushes here! I decided to open Photoshop to more easily explain (I hope!) how brushed adjustments work in Aperture. Since you can't see what's going on in Aperture, this turned into a neat way to demonstrate it. This should be the ultimate discussion on brushes, and of course how they apply to adjustments such as Dodge and Burn. Here were the topics of the session…

Let's Talk Basics

  • Every brushable effect is actually a layer mask
  • Compare to Photoshop 

Let’s Talk Brushes

  • Size, Softness & Strength
  • Additive vs Subtractive Brushes
  • Detect Edges
  • Feathering
  • Gear menu:
    • Apply, clear, invert
    • Overlay views
    • Brush range
  • Tablet vs Mouse

Dodge & Burn

  • Review what they do
  • Assigning keyboard shortcuts
  • Multiple instances

Check out the video and watch the first five minutes free here.

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