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ApertureExpert Live Training Session 011: Adjustments; Curves AVAILABLE

PhotoJoseph's picture
October 10, 2011 - 8:54am

The latest Live Training Session on Curves is now available for download!

Read up on it here, and as always, just $2. Oh and this one ran long, so it’s just over an hour total!

Apple Aperture

Wow! I finally have understand curves and how and why to use it! Great presentation! I found it very helpful. I went right into Aperture during and after the presentation to adjust some photos.

This is one training session to get if you are going to get two (I still think the importing session is the most important and probably most underrated). Curves was the one thing to learn that turned Aperture to something more than a glorified iPhoto for me. And Joseph Linaschke does a bang up job making the hows and whats very clear.

I’m there! Love these. Will purchase now.

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