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Yosemite #1
DAVID's picture
December 22, 2014 - 8:54pm

Is it safe yet to move up to Yosemite, or are there still issues with the new Aperture that is needed?

Florian Cortese's picture
by Florian Cortese
December 23, 2014 - 1:00am

David, No issues that I can see.  I’m running Yosemite and Aperture 3.6 and using plugins (NIK, PSCC) w/o problems. It’s been a good month since I made the move. Just make sure you do a back up first just to play it safe. 


Florian Cortese

Alex U's picture
by Alex U
December 28, 2014 - 7:36pm

I agree that with Aperture there are no issues at all. Nevertheless there are many other issues. If there is no need for you to move to Yosemite I would wait for another while.  

Best regards, Alex

MickeyB's picture
by MickeyB
January 18, 2015 - 5:49pm

upgraded to osx in order to install new printer, then had a lengthy session with Apple to upgrade Aperture, and now can’t do any adjustments on  images from previous edition pre update.

I have all of my images stored on ext hard drive, so I can reload if needed

how do I fix this so that I can adjust the images on osx?



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