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True Index for an Aperture Book? #1
YankeeLaker's picture
by YankeeLaker
August 31, 2015 - 11:33pm

I have created a 256-page pictorial history book for a non-profit community, to be printed by a commercial printer. I am wanting to generate an index for the book (family names, locations, etc.). I don’t see a native way within Aperture to do that. Unfortunately for the project, I chose a template that does not have master pages for index pages, but I think that would only have applied to a thumbnail index using metadata anyway, which was not something we had wanted to do anyway. And the template I chose is perfect fort the book, so no regrets there. So, anybody know of any third party plug-ins or other work-around that might allow me to generate in an automated way a true textual index for an Aperture book?


bjurasz's picture
by bjurasz
September 8, 2015 - 10:33pm

I don’t think you can do that unfortunately.  Nothing that I can find.

Bill Jurasz
Austin Texas

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