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Slideshow Bug - Apple TV (FYI) #1
Kipp Ottley's picture
by Kipp Ottley
February 16, 2010 - 12:29am

So far, enjoying A3. I did find a bug though (and confirmed others are having this issue - on Apple’s Aperture discussion forums).
Currently, Slideshows exported for Apple TV (720P) will not transfer/Sync to the Apple TV. The “theory” from the discussion forum is that A3’s export is saving at 30 FPS, while Apple TV is limited to 24 FPS at 720P resolution.
I have not discovered a work around yet for viewing slideshowns on the Apple TV.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
April 1, 2010 - 12:55pm

This is a pretty old question and I think one that was addressed in an early update of Aperture… if you’re still seeing the issue, please do let us know.

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