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Round-tripping from Aperture to PE 11 #1
HMCA's picture
February 28, 2013 - 3:18am

I have Aperture 3.2.4…….when I use my external editor (PE 11) and finish editing, my image does not come back to Aperture when choosing save. I have PE 11 set up as my external editor in preferences.

Don't seem to find this addressed in previously answered questions.


Aperture 3..5.1, PE11, PSCC for photographers : ) , NIK, Topaz and OnOne Plug-ins

Graham Parker's picture
by Graham Parker
February 28, 2013 - 4:23am


I think I know the answer to this as I had the same problem. Check in PSE 11 pref > saving files and in the drop down menu beside “On first save” should read Save over current file.
I hope I am remembering correctly and this works

HMCA's picture
February 28, 2013 - 7:44am

Graham…….Thanks so much! I’m only sorry I didn’t ask this question sooner, as it’s been driving me crazy for months!!!!


Aperture 3..5.1, PE11, PSCC for photographers : ) , NIK, Topaz and OnOne Plug-ins

docham's picture
by docham
January 4, 2014 - 6:03pm

File sent round-trip from Aperture 3.4.5 to Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 fails to open in PSE, although PSE launches. Aperture preferences set to external editor PSE11. ??

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