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PSD and thumbnail problems with Silver Efx Pro #1
Kenneth Lim's picture
by Kenneth Lim
May 25, 2010 - 2:14am

I’ve got two issues with using Silver Efx Pro with Aperture (had these problems with A2 and A3):

1) A lot of times the Silver Efx Pro version of an image thumbnail does not reflect the B&W conversion. It always shows in color. Anyone know how to “force” a refresh thumbnail?

2) I set my external editor file format to 16-bit PSD, and so when I round trip an image into PS, I’ve got a PSD file. If I then run Silver Efx Pro on that PSD, it doesn’t automatically create a new version as it would a normal RAW file, and when I save I end up losing my color PSD file! This has frustrated me to no end because I don’t always remember to make a new version before doing a B&W conversion.

Anyone come up with any nifty solutions for these issues?

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
May 27, 2010 - 8:44pm


1) I’ve seen this before myself. Very annoying indeed. Usually choosing the menu Photos > Generate Thumbnails will solve it.

2) Are you running the latest version of Silver Efex? I think that these plugins were all recently updated for Aperture 3, right? (Their site is down for maintenance now so I can’t verify myself). Anyway you can always force Aperture to open in editor a COPY of your image by holding down the Option key when you right-click on it, or adding option to the keyboard shortcut (so it becomes Command-Option-Shift-O). You can see this by selecting the Photos and pressing the Option key on and off; you’ll see the menu command update there, too.

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Kenneth Lim's picture
by Kenneth Lim
June 3, 2010 - 12:36am

Thx for that Joseph.

I am running the latest Silver Efex version (1.003 I believe) and there doesn’t seem to be a new Aperture 3 version from Nik Software yet.

But I will try adding the hold-option-key trick which should give me what I need.


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