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Flickr Upload - Multiple Versions Error #1
Marcus 's picture
by Marcus
January 2, 2012 - 11:40am

When uploading images to my Flickr account using the toolbar Flickr button, I am finding that Aperture is sending not just my 'pick' but ALL the versions of that image.

It even does multiple copies sometimes if I extract the stack pick and upload that alone - I get multiple versions of the same thing!

Has anyone else encountered this or am I just doing something wrong?

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
January 3, 2012 - 6:09am


Hm, my experience was that it only uploaded the Stack Pick (at least I’m pretty sure… I rarely use Stacks these days). Take a look in the Flickr album in Aperture once it’s been created; make sure the stack is closed (but it really shouldn’t matter) and that the image you want is the Pick, and then refresh the album and finally check to see what’s on Flickr.

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PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
January 3, 2012 - 6:27am


Update — I checked an older Flickr album and it does have stacks, and only the Stack Picks are being uploaded.

Here’s a [screenshot] of my Flickr album in Aperture, and here’s the album on Flickr.

I noticed my stack picks are also set as Album Picks, which I wonder if that’s helping?

By the way, I wrote this article “Aperture 3 Stacks, Picks and Album Picks” to help understand the difference between Stack and Album Picks a while ago. If you’re unclear, be sure to read that.

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