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Feature request: lens aliases and filters #1
Christian C. Berclaz's picture
by Christian C. Berclaz
October 2, 2013 - 9:59pm

I find Aperture Inspector very useful. My image collection is quite huge as I've been building it up over the last decade+ and statistics give by your apps are quite talkative.

One thing I noted is that older bodies did not necessarily report lenses the same way as new do. EOS 300D was not reporting names but rather focal info e.g. “300.0 mm” or “140.0-560.0 mm”. Other were reporting different name for the same lens e.g. “EF400mm f/5.6L USM” or “Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L”, etc. So it would be great to be able to combine them under one single name using a map that the user could easily complete.

Another thing is that the lenses statistic follows only the “lens filter” and does not follow the “Camera filter”, it would be great to have at least the option to consider the “Camera” filter when looking at the statistics tab.

These are just a few wishes which would make the apps even more useful for me.

Thanks for considering

Christian C. Berclaz

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