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Brushed in sharpening #1
Fred Isom's picture
by Fred Isom
July 9, 2010 - 11:28pm

I’m using Aperture 3 and having issues with the brushed in sharpening. Brushed in sharpening does not get applied to the image when printed from Aperture or when exported. Is anyone else experiencing this problem or, maybe, even found a fix for it?


Fred L. Isom

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
July 10, 2010 - 1:36pm


I just tested this on my system and it’s working fine—I made an extreme sharpen so it’d be obvious, and brushed it in, then both exported and printed the file (to PDF). I saw the sharpening in both files.

Can you give me some more specifics of what you’re getting… are other adjustments applied, but sharpening isn’t? What file types are you applying to before exporting (raw, jpeg, or ?). And just to be sure, please do what I did and apply an extreme sharpening and brush it in to an obvious area, and export and print, just to be super certain that you’re in fact seeing the problem.

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Fred Isom's picture
by Fred Isom
July 13, 2010 - 9:17am


Thanks for your reply. All other brushed in edits (dodging, burning, etc.) show in prints and exported files. It just appears to be the brushed in sharpening where I’m having the problem. It has occurred with both TIFF and raw D700 .nef files.

I did go back and do some extreme sharpening and confirmed that the sharpening is not making into the exported file. I have seen this problem mentioned on other forums as well, but no reasons for the issue or solutions were given.

Fred L. Isom

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
July 14, 2010 - 5:16am


OK, it sounds like a bug then, that fortunately is only affecting some users. If you have figured out any similarities between your setup and those of others seeing this issue, please post them here (i.e., you all are using Nikon, or all have the same model Mac, etc.). I’ll ask Apple to have a look at this post and any information you can provide here will help them to resolve the issue.

— Have you signed up for the mailing list?

Trevor Ager's picture
by Trevor Ager
July 14, 2010 - 5:30am

I have got the same thing going on. I took a Raw NEF image of a flower and severely sharpened part of the image by using 3 lots of the sharpening brush set at 2 on each. This created a very visible white halo around the petals. I then used the tint brush to change the colour of just one petal.
I then selected ‘Edit with Photoshop’
When it opened up in photoshop (as a .psd file) the tint adjustment was visible but not the sharpening.
I then went back to my adjusted version in Aperture and exported as a jpeg. The jpeg file also showed no sharpening.
I then tried to export as a tif file and again no sharpening was visible.
I then went to File - Print Image selected Adobe PDF 9.0, clicked print which saved the file as a pdf file and again no sign of sharpening.
It is also worth noting that in Aperture that the preview shows sharpening but the thumbnail does not.
I have tried updating Preview and Thumbnail and then exporting again but still the sharpening does not seem to get transferred.
This becoming a concern to me now too.
Does anyone have any ideas of what may be going on here?

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
July 14, 2010 - 5:40am


Thanks for the additional info. I’ll be sure to pass this along.

— Have you signed up for the mailing list?

Trevor Ager's picture
by Trevor Ager
July 14, 2010 - 5:54am

Here is a Flickr link with some examples.

I am sure this used to work so I am not sure why it has become broken.

Trevor Ager's picture
by Trevor Ager
July 14, 2010 - 6:41am

I have just come across this article by RB Design.

The guy is dead right.
If you check out your sharpened area in Aperture while zoomed in at 100% then compare with your exported file at 100% then they are the same.

I have re-checked my files and I have to admit that the the sharpening looks about the same in both.

It could be that the whole problem is an optical illusion.

One lesson this has taught me is that all your brushed sharpening should be carried out a 100% zoom so that you can see the real amount of sharpening being applied. It is highly exaggerated when image is fit to screen.

All credit to R. Boyer.

( I hope you don’t mind the link to this site Joseph. If you do the please feel free to remove it)

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
July 26, 2010 - 8:01am


Viewing at 100% while applying sharpening is critical, for sure. Please give that a try and let us know what you find!

— Have you signed up for the mailing list?

Fred Isom's picture
by Fred Isom
July 14, 2010 - 9:33pm

I read the post, but don’t believe it’s correct. I am not viewing my images in preview mode. I am looking at the actual .nef file and the sharpening is there, it just doesn’t show when printed or exported. With that said, zoom may play a part. I have noticed that when applying sharpening, on occassion, it does not show up when I zoom in on the image.

I’m wondering if the results would be different if I zoomed in and then applied the sharpening. I’ll give that a try tonight.

Fred L. Isom

Fred Isom's picture
by Fred Isom
November 13, 2010 - 11:47am

This issue appears to finally be resolved. After installing the Mac OS X 10.6.5 update, the brushed in image sharpening is now applied to the exported and printed image.


Fred L. Isom

Chris Magee's picture
by Chris Magee
July 4, 2012 - 9:38am

It’s July 2012. I am using the latest update to Aperture on a fully updated current model iMac. For me this problem has been unresolved for 2+ years, starting on a MBP. Aperture was installed independently on the iMac.
When I use the sharpen brush (quick brush only) then export a full sized 8bit tiff, then re-import it directly to Aperture and then compare it side by side with the same file before exporting, the sharpening adjustment is missing, without exception from the reimported TIFF.
Using the non-quick brush sharpening tool the problem does not occur.
Will someone else with fully updated system and Aperture software please try this and let me know what they get?

David  Moore's picture
by David Moore
July 4, 2012 - 10:16am

I can verify that when I use the quick brush and sharpen an area ( Iduplicated the sharpen brick 2x) and export as an 8 bit tif…then re-import the file the sharpening is not in the newly imported image. In fact its not there when open the the file in PS after export.

Bug send a notice to aperture. Since I could verify it I will too.
You are not crazy but some one could prove us nuts.
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ

David  Moore's picture
by David Moore
July 6, 2012 - 9:17am

I have to eat my words today. I tried the brush again an I can export the image as a tif with the Quick brush sharpen. My Bad.
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ

Chris Magee's picture
by Chris Magee
July 17, 2012 - 5:44am

Hi Øyvind,

Thanks very much for your investigations. Perhaps if enough of us report this problem with quick brush sharpening, Apple will finally do something about it. We need DB Moore to get back to us about the library repair, or try it ourselves on a small expendable library.


David  Moore's picture
by David Moore
July 17, 2012 - 10:53am

Well Its been only a day now and AP seems to be normalized. I think that my chattering HD was part of the problem for the crashes I was experiencing. Time will tell.

Now about the Sharpening brush. I checked it again on a different image and it Still works like it should on a tif. You have to look at it zoomed (100%) in to see the effect but it exports and reimports correctly. Im not saying that others are mistaken Im just saying what I thought was broken is working correctly for me again. Good luck dbm
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ

Walter Rowe's picture
by Walter Rowe
July 13, 2012 - 10:30pm

I’ve noticed this. I use BorderFX for all my exports and it can do sharpening on export, but it is overall sharpening and not targeted (masked) sharpening like “brushed in” or “brushed away” would be.

Chris Magee's picture
by Chris Magee
July 13, 2012 - 6:00am

Thanks for getting back to me on this.

Every time I use the quick brush sharpening, it does not export in tiffs. I can tell by reimporting it and placing it in the same album next to the original quick brushed image. The difference is very obvious when I click back and forth.
The regular sharpening tool brushed in is fine. It is ONLY the quick brush sharpen that has the export problem.

I have about 40 or so Aperture libraries. Will test if a repair on one changes things for that library. Why did you do a safe boot?


Øyvind Fredriksen's picture
by Øyvind Fredriksen
July 13, 2012 - 6:14am

Hi there.
Just had to post a reply here after doin a export of over 50 photos for a friend of mine today, when i noticed not a single one of them had the brushed in sharpening showing.
My friend wanted the photos in jpg and he was the one telling me they looked “off”.
So i had a look and tested it out on my own iMac and it’s rly clear that the Sharpening is not beeing exported. I’ve tested now in tiff 8/16, jpg, png and what not…It’s not showing up in any of them. And i’ve only used the Quick brush sharpening.

If anyone can confirm that a repair of library works that would be luvly. Or do i need to start using “normal sharpening” tool for it to be able to export?

Øyvind F

Chris Magee's picture
by Chris Magee
July 8, 2012 - 6:42am

Thanks for checking this out with me.
Are you saying that the brushed sharpen correction is showing up for you now in the reimported tif?


David  Moore's picture
by David Moore
July 8, 2012 - 7:15am

Yea the first time I did it I agreed that it wasn’t working. I just did it again and AP does work properly. I haven’t done anything except a repair of the library and a Safe Boot. Not real sure why it didn’t work and now it does. It did take awhile for the sharpening to show up even after the “loading” left the screen.

It might export with not as much effect as you see in aperture. Test with two or three layers/Bricks and see if you can see a difference
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ

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