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Backing Up Aperture to External Hard Drive #1
stephen justice's picture
by stephen justice
February 7, 2014 - 11:33pm

I may have erred when I backed up my 2011 IMAC to a LeCie Porsche Design 1 TB external hard drive. I just connected it to the USB port on the IMAC and everything was backed up(?) including, I believe, the Aperture Library (?) which reads as follows: where: /volumes/Steve’s back up/backups.backupdb/Macintosh HD/users/stephen justice/pictures–the size is 578.94 GB. While still connected, I wanted to see if the projects I  import and edit in Aperture on the IMAC were there, but I get this message-“Aperture cannot access this library–make sure file permissions are set correctly.” Basically, I’m not sure what I did. I do not think I followed the proper protocol for storing and protecting my images to an external hard drive. Am I OK? Are all the originals and versions from my projects in the LeCie? And, will I be able to retrieve them in case the IMAC fails. I have never attempted such a maneuver before. Thanks

stephen r justice

Walter Rowe's picture
by Walter Rowe
February 8, 2014 - 7:42pm

You are looking at a Time Machine backup disk. You cannot navigate that disk with Finder and open the files you find. You have to restore the Library via Time Machine, then open the restored copy with Aperture.

Rafter's picture
by Rafter
February 9, 2014 - 8:08am

Stephen, Walter is correct. You also should keep in mind you will need a tremendous amount of free drive space to restore that Library file. Consider restoring it to another external drive.

Rolf Schmolling's picture
by Rolf Schmolling
February 9, 2014 - 1:59pm

A suggestion: when opening the backup-package-folder one can navigate to an alias „latest“ which will show the file structure of your backed up HD. Navigate to the folder where you keep/kept the Aperture library and copy it to a location of your choice.



Walter Rowe's picture
by Walter Rowe
February 10, 2014 - 10:03pm

Better to use Time Machine to do the restore. Guaranteed to get all the necessary bits and pieces.

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