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Alan's picture
by Alan
April 1, 2014 - 4:35pm

Can anyone tell me why the size of an Aperture vault gradually grows significantly larger than the corresponding library over time?  The more the library is used, the greater the gap between the two.

gfsymon's picture
by gfsymon
April 13, 2014 - 2:31pm

My own experience with Vaults, is that if you move images from Managed to Referenced, your Vault is not updated to reflect this.  The result is that your Vault will continue to grow, even though your Library may shrink.

IOW, if you backup to Vault when images are Managed, then move those images so they are Referenced and then perform another backup to Vault, those files, which are no longer a part of your Library, are NOT removed from the Vault.  I would call this a bug.  (Because Apple are quite explicit that Vaults do not backup referenced images).

I’d be very interested in hearing if anyone has any different experience of this! 

Chris Biele's picture
by Chris Biele
April 13, 2014 - 2:59pm

Maybe it’s time to start a new vault? I used to use them when Time Machine had problems backing up Aperture libraries, but now they’ve sorted that issue I’ve left the vaults behind.

bjurasz's picture
by bjurasz
April 14, 2014 - 4:53pm

Its safe to use Time Machine for Aperture libraries now?  Nice, I’m going to ditch vaults as well now.  Ditto for cloud services like CrashPlan?

Bill Jurasz
Austin Texas

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