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Aperture 3.5 - Folders #1
Lucinda48's picture
by Lucinda48
April 22, 2014 - 1:02am

I have a  2006 folder and a 2007 folder.  Over half the pictures from the  2006 folder are also in 2007.  How do I remove those images from the 2007 folder without deleting or removing them from their original 2006 folder. I can’t seem to drag them anywhere as nothing high lights where they could be dropped.  I tried deleting a few images from one folder but it deletes from both.  I tried everything I could think of.  Hope someone can help.  Thanks

John Waugh's picture
by John Waugh
April 22, 2014 - 5:11pm

Your posting seems to confuse folders with projects.
You might want to clarify the file structure of Aperture
Files go into projects, then they can be moved into albums or other projects.
Albums and projects can be placed into folders.
Image files themselves cannot be placed or removed from folders.
You can sort images by date (or other metadata) using a smart album with parameters set to your liking.

John Waugh, Photographic Images • Apple Certified Trainer• Sport Action Lifestyle Photography

Lucinda48's picture
by Lucinda48
April 22, 2014 - 6:29pm

I had lots of 2006  projects such as travel, family etc.  I created a 2006 folder and put the projects  in it.    I then went on to the  2007 projects and did the same.  This was going fine and all the projects from 2006 were in the correct folder.  The problem is half of 2006 projects are also in the 2007 folder. I see that your are saying albums and projects can be moved into folders which is what I did.  I’m not sure what you mean when you say files.   Thanks for trying to help. 

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