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After upgrade to Yosemite very slow to open #1
Mattia's picture
by Mattia
November 4, 2014 - 1:12am

I after upgrade to Yosemite and last Raw engine AP is very very slow to open. I repaired permission, I repaired data base, rebuild data base and permission disk on OS but nothing. Before Yosemite everything is OK.

I have MBP Retina 15, 2,5 GHZ iCore7, 16 GB Ram, SSD 1TB with 500 Mb free space

Thanks for help


Bob Rockefeller's picture
by Bob Rockefeller
November 4, 2014 - 11:23pm

I see this from time and time and go though this sequence and something usually fixes it along the way:

  • Repair permissions: command-option launch
  • Repair database: command-option launch
  • Rebuild database: command-option launch
  • Delete Preferences
  • Repair disk permissions
  • Delete and re-install the app

I wish I knew why it was happening.

Bob Rockefeller
Midway, GA

Mark Altenberg's picture
by Mark Altenberg
April 20, 2015 - 11:36pm

This may be moot by now, or will be soon, but I thought I’d post anyway for those holdouts still using Aperture while the quest for the next great photo app goes on. At long last I found a very simple fix for slow opening of Aperture libraries (which has been driving me crazy for sometime now - Aperture was taking more than half a minute to open, even with an empty library; additionally clicking the info and adjustments tabs was causing 5-10 seconds of expletive inducing spinning beachballs)

Try this…

Quit Aperture. Move the Aperture app from the Applications folder to the Trash (Finder requests your Mac login). Move Aperture back to the Applications folder (Finder requests Mac login again). (note: you can probably move it elsewhere, but moving to the trash worked for me so I’ll leave it at that.)

After trying everything short of reinstalling Mac OS, including standing on one foot and swinging my Nikon around over my head while wearing anything with a 6 color Apple logo on it, this simple Aperture app shuffle did the trick. Aperture launches instantly now, no matter how many images are in the library. This may be one of the last useful Aperture tips, but hope someone out there still finds it helpful!

Mattia's picture
by Mattia
November 7, 2014 - 10:58am

Thank you Bob, but after a few days and have repaired permissions and the database as well as it rebuilt at first seemed to not have solved anything, but then suddenly everything is back to work perfectly. I do not know what happened. Anyway thanks again


Stuart's picture
by Stuart
November 13, 2014 - 5:30pm

I still switch between Aperture and Lightroom and had issues with Aperture after upgrading to Yosemite. Ended up doing the repair data base and seems to be working fine now. The repair did take a while to complete as it seemed get stuck at 99%. I just let it go and it took about 3 hours to finish. Currently using a rMBP (June 2012) i7 with 16GB Ram with 512 SSD. All images managed on a 4TB WD Thunderbolt Drive.

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