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[0x0-0x167167] ImageIO: JPEG Application transferred too few scanlines #1
Dave Thewlis's picture
by Dave Thewlis
March 20, 2012 - 7:58am

In trying to do a vault operation, Aperture eventually hangs and never completes the vault operation. The console log contains about seven of these messages, 4 a few hours earlier and 3 about the time it probably hung up. Is there any way to figure out which images these are and if they are in the Library or the Vault – and how to get rid of them? A Repair operation has NOT done it but we haven't tried a Rebuild (in part because we cannot create a current vault…) The full message:

[0x0-0x167167] ImageIO: <ERROR> JPEG Application transferred too few scanlines

Any help would be appreciated.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
March 20, 2012 - 9:13am


Is this happening on writing to an existing vault, or creating a new one? If to an existing one, did it exist prior to Aperture 3? If so, I’d honestly just start a fresh vault. I’ve heard of lots of errors writing to pre-3.0 vaults before.

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Dave Thewlis's picture
by Dave Thewlis
March 20, 2012 - 11:56pm

Hi Joseph, thanks for your reply.

Writing to an existing vault. The problem has been exacerbated by errors on the library drive, which I ultimately replaced and restored from a second vault (we keep both a local and a remote vault). I’ve got a new drive on order to become a replacement local vault (which is where the error is happening). I am however pretty sure the vault has existed since Aperture 2 but it worked fine until mid-February this year.

I have also replaced the Library drive as the old one had screwy problems like being unexpectedly ejected (NOT while updarting a vault), and Aperture deciding it had access permission problems (solvable by taking everything down for about 15 minutes including turning the library drive off, and then restarting, would you believe).

In other words there have been multiple symptoms and I’m not sure that there is only one problem, but this message suggested there COULD be a problem with data in the Library not just on the Vault - but I don’t know. As soon as I get the new vault drive I will start a brand-new vault and we’ll see. I will definitely post to this thread about the results regardless.


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
March 21, 2012 - 12:30am


I think you’ll definitely want to create a new vault from scratch once everything else is back in place.

However your dismounting drives could be a totally unrelated issue. Check this article from my photo blog a couple of years ago — I keep hearing reports like this, and it’s been discussed here on ApertureExpert as well: Spontaneous FireWire Drive Dismounts? You Too? Read On….

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Dave Thewlis's picture
by Dave Thewlis
March 21, 2012 - 2:42am

Will do a new vault as soon as we get the new drive (I hate to blow off the one we have even if it could be bad). The dismounting drives is interesting although the specifics are a little different. Two OWC firewire 800 drives, and ONE but not both went away. My recollection is that we even saw the problem when we moved them to USB. This is on a 27” iMac. Makes me wonder if the dismounting is a symptom that could be caused by more than one thing.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
March 21, 2012 - 2:47am


You had dismounts on USB drives? That’s a new one to me. And on my end it was never (or at least rarely, but I think never) that all drives dismounted. It was one or two, but not all.

You’re not alone. I think it’s a FW800 issue, and hopefully software fixable. But this has been going on for a long time, unfortunately.

Good news is since I simplified my setup and got rid of the Drobo the problem went away completely.

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Dave Thewlis's picture
by Dave Thewlis
March 21, 2012 - 2:59am


I think we had the dismount at least once since moving the drives to USB but so many things have happened I am not entirely certain right now and wouldn’t swear to it. I replaced the Library drive (and restored from a second vault as I said) with a WD 2TB drive (largely because that’s what I had available). It is running happily on FW800 with no dismounts so far. I left the OWC Vault drive on USB but never saw a dismount on that drive anyhow. No Drobo in the picture :-). So if I zapped the existing vault drive, created a virgin vault and reran the vault operation and it failed, I still wouldn’t be sure whether the problem was in the library or the vault drive - and I wanted to move the vault to a larger drive anyhow.

Dave Thewlis's picture
by Dave Thewlis
March 26, 2012 - 9:03am

Further status:

Acquired a new 2TB drive and initialized it for a vault. Did a vault operation to it. Took approximately 12 hours (library and vault both FW800) and I was convinced it had hung near the end but it finally finished successfully. No IOERROR messages about bad JPEGs in the console log. So provisionally the final (apparent) problem was associated with the old vault volume, although I don’t know if there was a real hardware problem, the bad images having been previously vaulted to it and screwing the vault operation up, or a vault created prior to Aperture 3. Still don’t know what created the problem in the first placel, alas. NB the library something like 800GB at this point; 77K+ managed masters.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
March 26, 2012 - 10:14am


Glad it’s working now. I’d say with reasonable confidence that it was a migration from Aperture 2 to 3 problem. As I said, I heard lots of vault issues after the upgrade. I replaced all my vaults shortly after the migration to 3.0.

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gfsymon's picture
by gfsymon
March 26, 2012 - 9:53pm


did you try repairing the problematic drive with Disk Utility? (If you’re running Lion, startup holding down the Option key, then choose Recovery Disk and run Disk Utility from there.)

Dave Thewlis's picture
by Dave Thewlis
March 27, 2012 - 5:23am

I’m holding the old vault drive (and old library drive) and not messing with them until we are absolutely sure the new environment is stable and we have vaults in two places. Then I plan to work with the old drives. I’ll run repairs, but then write zeros through each drive - I had a previous drive (another OWC drive as it happens) which passed the disk utility check and repair but when I tried the write zeroes, the disk utility blew up. Sent it in for replacement, but they are still waiting on drives from Thailand I gather.

Dave Thewlis's picture
by Dave Thewlis
April 21, 2012 - 1:12am

Sorry it has taken so long for me to get back to this item. After establishing a new local vault successfully, I attempted to do a vault update to the remote drive I restored the library from. The update never completed. So I acquired a 2TB portable drive (with Firewire) and set up a new remote vault, and although it took about 16 hours it completed. We now have 2TB drives for the library, the local vault, and the remote vault, all of which were working.

The next step is to see if there are any actual hardware errors with the drives we had been using, or whether it was all due to a corrupted write (which is what I think) in the first place. Either way, thank you to everyone who responded!

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
April 21, 2012 - 7:05am

Thanks for updating us Dave. It’s a good feeling being backed up again, isn’t it? ;)


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