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A bit of encouragement #1
Charles Putnam's picture
by Charles Putnam
January 24, 2013 - 3:15am

If you were to check Apple's job listings, they have five software engineer listings that reference Aperture and Apples “Photos Team”. Also…other listings for iWork. Kinda tells me that Aperture is still alive.

James Moule's picture
by James Moule
January 27, 2013 - 8:03am

Aperture may be alive, but I don’t feel a pulse. I have used it since Aperture 1 and now have 25,000 images in my library.

Why do I have to go to a plug-in for perspective correction, for lens distortion correction, and hot pixel removal when Photoshop and DxO Optics Pro 8, and probably other programs have had them built in for a long time? I now am processing 33MP files from a Nikon D800. Why is Aperture so slow? Why is Photoshop CS6 much faster?

I have 98 high resolution scans of 3 1/4 X 4 1/4 sheet film. The file for each scan is about 100MB. The scans are all in one Aperture project. Why is it that when I open that project and look through it for a few minutes my computer crashes? When I restart I get a message that my whole Aperture library is corrupted and needs to be repaired. Repair takes a long long time.

By contrast, Photoshop with Adobe bridge handles those 98 files quickly and effortlessly.

I am losing faith that Aperture is really designed for serious amateurs and professionals. I do not like Photoshop, but Aperture is driving me into its arms.

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